Jean's Wig Shop
For more than 50 years, Jean’s Wig Shop has been serving its community as a reputable business in the same location with the largest inventory of wigs found in North Florida & S. Georgia. Our clients come from a 15 county area because they know they will find what they want, and will be guided through the process with exceptional service and reliability.

Why Choose Jean's Wig Shop

Business Hours
(By Appointment Only)
3132 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville, FL. 32207
Wednesday – Saturday: By Appointment
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday: Closed
*The appointment is a consultation. We measure for correct size, discuss what your goal is with your hair, educate you on your options, and try on several wigs/ toppers. There is a $50.00 fee for this service.
Phone: (904) 398-7118
Fax: (904)-398-7114